Daisypath Wedding tickers

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dont trust people easily!!

i have a story to share with u guys! Tentang betapa mahalnye harga sebuah kepercayaan . Kisah ini saya adaptasi dr seorang yg sgt rapat dgn saya . A story begin here....

Suatu hari Mr. C meet his friends yg da lama x jumpa. mereeka ini merupakan ex-UTM termasuk la Mr. C. But Mr. C xda la kamcing sgt dgn 2 org hamba Allah ni. just kenal g2 je time kat UTM. So di pendekkan cerita, suatu hari Mr. C dpt call dr salah seorang hamba Allah ni. Ajak jumpa..konon da lama sgt x jumpa, so cm reunion la.

After deal tarikh n tempat, so Mr. C ni pun p la jumpa those guys tu kat Coffea Bean at The Pavillion. Then they have a chit chat..n hot topic is they talk about a cars.after Mr. C bgtau what model of car he's drive, trus hamba2 Allah tu ajak p Genting. Konon diorg nak beli kereta cm kereta. n B4 that nk test drive dulu la. Siap tnye lg, Mr. C ni pakai keta ape skrg. Almaklum la, Mr. C da lama bekerja n a hot bachelor.wanted tau!!

Ini lah model kereta yg Mr. C pakai

Mereka offer Mr. C a cup of coffea n that hamba Allah yg p beli the beverages. Mengikut cerita Mr. C , it's take so long b4 that guys come back n bring a cup of coffee tu. But b4 that, Mr. C da cm pelik coz at the moment 2 org hamba Allah ni p beli air kat counter, salah seorg dr mereka ni, p amek bekas pil dr beg mereka. Mr. C x suspect yg bkn2, coz in his mind that guys nk mkn ubat kot. Lagipun it's not nice to bersangka buruk kat org kn?

Finally when 2 hamba Allah ni balik n bring that coffea, Mr. C tgk coffea tu da not hot at all n the colour was changed!! Mr C order a cup of BLACK coffea but then jd coffea susu. Memandangkan Hamba Allah tu yg nk belanja, so Mr. C x tnye byk la. after the chit chat, Mr. C pon nk balik. n he's start getting a bit of dizzy...

He goes to car park..after that he does not remember anything until...


Accident tu happen in the middle of city n during a peak hour. Waktu org balik kerja, around 1800. Bumper hancur habes n Mr. C ni bernasib baik coz dia pakai safety belt if not...x tahu la. Malaikat jaga Mr. C. After the police report, Mr. C call la dua org Hamba Allah ni. dah accident kn, so mintak tolong kwn la. But then diorang langsung x jwb. n paling best, lepas try call byk kali, trus off handphone beb!

Mr. C suspect 2 org manusia tu da bg dia estacy maybe..n those guys maybe kerja dgn sindiket. Sampai skrg Mr. c try call, mmg da xda langsung that number. n Mr, C refer this case to his friend, a lawyer. that lawyer ckp, jgn wat police report coz nt da jd case lain. Kalau la Mr. C p naik Genting petang tu, dgn keadaannye yg da di beri estacy, rasanye maybe dia da xda lg. Coz comfirm 2 org hamba Allah tu da tolak dia masok gaung...huhuhu

Lpas je saya dgr this story dr Mr. C , I bear in mind, do not simply trust people easily. mesti berhati2. n jgn mudah ambil minuman dr org lain. it's better if we get it by ourselves. For a ladies, byk yg perlu kita jaga...manusia kat luar sana sentiasa menunggu waktu utk mengenakan sesiapa saja yg have a potential to be a victim. Sentiasa la berdoa, supaya kita di jauhkan dr manusia2 yg berhati durjana.

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